Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese tradition of healing. Thin, sterile stainless steel needles are inserted under the skin to activate the body's energy, remove blockages, and nourish the foundation. It does not hurt. People find it relaxing and often results can be seen after the first treatment.
Acupuncture can treat a variety of conditions, including (but not limited to) back pain, neck pain, arthritis, digestive issues, asthma, and emotional concerns such as depression and anxiety.
Adjunctive therapies
These may be included in your acupuncture treatment when recommended by the doctor. These therapies are exceptional for reducing body pain!
Cupping is a form of therapy where glass cups are suctioned onto the skin to create blood flow to the area. Gua sha is a form of scraping the skin with a piece of stone. These therapies can help a range of problems such as musculoskeletal conditions and respiratory infections.
Therapeutic ultrasound uses sound waves to warm the body and reduce inflammation. This helps muscle spasms and tendinitis.
Biomat is a warm mat on the therapy table that contains crystals and infrared technology to increase circulation, tissue oxygenation, and healing.
Light therapy: red, blue, and infrared lights are used to reduce pain and inflammation, and nourish skin to improve acne and reduce wrinkles
Nutritional counseling
Dr. Z has extensive nutritional training. She believes that we really are what we eat and that food is the foundation of our medicine. She may suggest nutritional supplements that you can take to help your body heal. With the knowledge of how and what to eat, you can take control of your health and make changes that will have lasting beneficial effects on your body. Nutritional supplements provide the body with support to fight inflammation, heal cells, and calm the spirit.
Questions about supplements? Find expert advice here.
Western herbal medicine
At IHC you can also receive an herbal consultation. Dr. Z may prescribe you herbs or flower essences. Herbs are an effective way to continue healing and managing symptoms in between acupuncture treatments. Herbal medicine can reduce pain, calm nerves, balance hormones, and support your immune system. Dr. Zurich will provide a custom blended herbal tincture or tea that is created specifically for you! Herbal medicine supports the body so it can heal.
What to expect: